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Five new words that are popular in everyday speech:

 by RUBY ma'am 

Five new words that are popular in everyday speech:

Flex: To show off or brag about something, especially one’s wealth, status, or achievements. For example, “He always flexes his new car on social media.”

Simp: A person who is overly attentive or submissive to someone they are attracted to, often at the expense of their own dignity or interests. For example, “He’s such a simp for her. He does everything she asks him to do.”

Lowkey: An adverb that means slightly, secretly, or modestly. For example, “I lowkey like that song, but I don’t want anyone to know.”

Salty: An adjective that means angry, bitter, or resentful, especially over something minor or trivial. For example, “He’s still salty about losing the game. He needs to get over it.”

Slay: A word that means to do something exceptionally well, to impress, or to dominate. It is often used to compliment someone’s performance, appearance, or attitude. You can use slay to teach your students about verbs and how they express actions or achievements.

Troll: A word that means to deliberately provoke, annoy, or offend someone online, usually for fun or attention. It is often used to describe a person who posts inflammatory or controversial comments or messages. You can use troll to teach your students about nouns and verbs and how they can have different meanings depending on the context.

 learn english new way




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